Digital Citizenship



















  • Digital citizenship is the foundation in which educators use to teach  their students safe practices for technology and using the internet.
  • Digital citizenship is also about respecting the privacy of others in what is shared on the internet.
  • It is also the ability to discern what is appropriate to share online and what is best kept offline.
  • Digital citizenship is a student’s practice in using the internet and technology safely, respectfully and responsibly.
  • Digital Citizenship is "the quality of a response to membership in a digital community."


Questions to Ask Children:

There are certain steps when preparing children for their future in using technology.

1. If I see something bad online, who should I tell?

2. If I see bullying online, and I click “like/heart” on that post, does that mean I’m bullying also?

3.Is it ok for me to talk with people online who my parents don’t know?

4. Is it ok to share my password with my BFF?


These are all good stategies to help implement safe technology use for children. It is good to let them practice safe strategies and help them prepare to make safe choices at an early age. In order for students to become the best digital citizen they can be, parents must also be involved. Educators should be in contact by sharing suggestions and tips for safe internet/technology practice at home. As a result, children will be better equipped to share the right information online.



What Parents Should Know About Digital Citizenship:

  • Their child's choices on the internet can affect their future and future goals.
  • When applying to college, college recruiters view any social media accounts that students may have.
  • Often information is shared with third parties on the internet.
  • Allowing your child to access the internet or social media increases their chances of viewing unsafe material.
  • Too much screen time can result in an unbalanced sleep pattern.
  • Teens who spend too much time on social media often have problems with their self esteem.

It is also favorable to give students prompt questions. For example, they have set questions they ask themselves before posting online. If it is their goal to attend college, then their question could be “is this going to affect my future college education in a good way?”



Cited Resources: